About the Journal

Awka journal of Linguistics and Languages (AJILL) is published annually by the Department of Linguistics, Nnamdi Azikiwe University, Awka. The first volume was published in 2005. The journal accepts articles on any area in linguistics and languages. The articles undergo rigorous blind peer review processes and editing before they are finally accepted for publication. Manuscripts should be typed with Times New Roman Point 12, double line spacing and not more than 15 pages. The accepted style of documentation is the Linguistic Society of America's (LSA) style.

AJILL has over the years published papers written in languages other than English. The journal therefore accepts papers written in French, Igbo and other Nigerian Languages provided the English translation of the abstract is included. Articles published or submitted elsewhere for consideration should not be submitted to AJILL for publication.

AJILL is available in both print and online.

All correspondences to:

The Editor, Awka Journal of Linguistics and Languages (AJILL), Department of Linguistics Nnamdi Azikiwe University P.M.B. 5025 Awka