Pragmatics of Garrison ‘demoncrazy’ as a Metaphor in Nigeria Media Political Discourse


  • Chris Uchenna Agbaedo Department of Linguistics , Igbo & other Nigerian Languages, University of Nigeria, Nsukka Enugu State,Nigeria.


n this paper, our focus is on the concept of garrison demoncrazy and its its recurrent metaphorical manifestations in media political discourse in relation to the regimented character of our contemporary democratic dispensations. Our intention is to subject the concept of garrison demoncrazy to analysis within the theoretical spectrum of pragmatics and possibly explore the applicability of pragmatics and discourse theory in analysing media political discourse relating to the recurrence of garrison demoncrazy metaphor in the democratic practices of contemporary Nigerian nation . In this regard we shall focus on media discourse on the subject matter and examine the dimensions it has assumed as a standing metaphor for the recurring acts of commission or omission which tend to negate the basic tenets of democracy. In specific terms, we have chosen for analysis the flawed impeachment procedure that precipitated the removal of chief Rashidi Ladoja as Governor of oyo state in January 2006. In this particular political event, we shall seek to demonstrate the metaphorical manifestations of garrison demoncrazy, which violate such terms of democracy as rule of law, due process, and constitutionalism. The premise of this paper is anchored on our theoretical conviction that the print media offer limitless opportunities for consummating self expression and self disclosure as well as fulfilling the transactional /interactional representative/social-expressive functions of language.





