Analysis of Ground State Properties of Interacting Electrons in the Anderson Model


  • Omamoke Onorenyakpo Enaroseha Department of Physics, University of Benin, Benin City, Nigeria
  • John Andikara Department of Physics, University of Benin, Benin City, Nigeria


transition point, hybridization gap, ferromagnetism, antiferromagnetism


The ground-state energy, wave-function, hybridization gap and magnetic phase
diagram of the Single Site Impurity Anderson Model (SIAM) and the Periodic Anderson
Model (PAM) were calculated using Exact-Diagonalization (ED) technique. The ED
technique was applied to the SIAM and PAM in one dimension before speculating on Ce 4f
being a test bed of the results, since it has 4f localized electrons in the Heavy fermion
compound CeCu2Si2. Each of the results obtained describe the evolution of the electronic
system in terms of a simple set of parameters.The parameter regimes studied suggest a
smooth phase transition from an antiferromagnetic (AFM) phase to a ferromagnetic (FM)
phase at quarter fillings in one dimension when t increases and a magnetic instability was
observed as U → ∞. The role of hybridization between the conduction electrons and the
localized f orbital in the Anderson impurity in a semiconductor was also investigated as V
increases in the SIAM and the PAM.


