Analysis of Elastic Anisotropy of Wood Material for Engineering Applications


  • ÇİĞDEM DİNÇKAL Faculty of Engineering, Ankara University, Ankara, Turkey.


elastic anisotropy, bounds, elastic constants, elasticity tensor, compliance tensor


This paper presents a convenient method to describe the degree of the elastic
anisotropy in a given type of wood and then discusses its practical values. Besides
mechanical and elastic behaviour of wood are investigated in order to understand the
optimum mechanical behaviour of it in selected directions. Bounds on the wood elastic
constants have been constructed in terms of elasticity and compliance tensors for any type
of woods by developing Hill (1952) approach. So for any type of wood with known elastic
constants, it is possible to choose the best set of elastic constants (effective elastic
constants) which determine the optimum mechanical and elastic properties of it. Bounds on
the wood elastic constants as well as the degree of elastic anisotropy are significant and
critical cases in design of any engineering and structural materials made up of wood.


