JOURNAL OF THEORETICAL AND EMPIRICAL STUDIES IN EDUCATION 2024-05-18T16:20:42+01:00 Prof. S. E. Nwana [email protected] Open Journal Systems <p class="western" align="justify"><span style="font-family: Times New Roman, serif;"><span style="font-size: medium;">The Journal of Theoretical and Empirical Studies in Education is a peer-reviewed, open-access publication of the Department of Educational Foundations, Nnamdi Azikiwe University, Awka, Nigeria. The journal, from 2021, is published annually in two volumes. It is aimed at publishing quality papers that have the capacity to inform policy both nationally and internationally. The editorial board welcomes well researched theoretical and empirical papers, which are of good quality and with elements of novelty ideas in all aspects of education.</span></span></p> PRELIMINARY PAGES 2024-05-18T12:02:40+01:00 PROFESSOR SABINA E. NWANA PROF. S. E. NWANA [email protected] <p>The Journal of Theoretical and Empirical Studies in Education (JOTESE) is a peer-reviewed, open-access publication of the Department of Educational Foundations, Nnamdi Azikiwe University, Awka, Nigeria. The journal, from 2021, is published annually in two volumes. It is aimed at publishing quality papers that have the capacity to inform policy both nationally and internationally. The editorial board welcomes well researched theoretical and empirical papers, which are of good quality and with elements of novelty ideas in all aspects of education.</p> 2024-01-31T00:00:00+01:00 Copyright (c) 2024 EXTENT OF ICT RESOURCES UTILIZATION IN THE ADMINISTRATION OF UNIVERSITIES IN NIGERIA 2024-05-18T12:28:51+01:00 PROFESSOR SABINA E. NWANA PROF. S. E. NWANA [email protected] UZOKIFE, GEORGINA C. [email protected] NKEMDILIM, ANAYO I. [email protected] ONUNKWO, MARTIN C. [email protected] <p>The study explored the extent of ICT resources utilization in the administration of<br>universities in Nigeria. The study is a descriptive survey research design. Five research<br>questions guided the study. The sample was 275 which was made up of two groups of<br>respondents namely: Academic staff (125) and senior administrative staff (150) from<br>universities in South-east Nigeria. The instrument for data collection was a 30-item<br>researcher-developed Questionnaire titled “Questionnaire on Extent of ICT Resources<br>Utilization (QEIRU)”. It was validated by experts. The overall reliability co-efficient of<br>the instrument was 0.92. The data collected were analyzed using frequencies and<br>percentages. The findings revealed low extent (LE) of utilization of ICT resources in staff<br>personnel administration, student personnel, academic and general administration. On<br>the other hand, the findings revealed high extent (HE) of ICT resources utilization in<br>financial administration of the universities. Finally, there was discussion of findings and<br>recommendations were made. One of the recommendations was that, the University<br>authority should procure adequate quantities of ICT Resources for effective running of<br>the University Administration.</p> 2024-01-31T00:00:00+01:00 Copyright (c) 2024 CONSTRUCTION AND FACTORIAL VALIDATION OF AN INSTRUMENT FOR STUDENT ASSESSMENT OF TEACHING EFFECTIVENESS FOR EDUCATIONAL RESEARCH AND STATISTICS INSTRUCTION 2024-05-18T12:55:57+01:00 NJIDEKA GERTRUDE MBELEDE [email protected] IFEOMA CLEMENTINA METU [email protected] LYDIA IJEOMA ELEJE [email protected] NNEKA CHINYERE EZEUGO [email protected] EZINWA AMAUCHE UJU [email protected] <p>This study aimed at the development and validation of an indigenous scale for evaluation<br>of teaching effectiveness for Educational Research and Statistics as a University-wide<br>course considering the debate in literature about the validity of Students’ assessment of<br>Teaching Effectiveness. The research process was in five phases. A total of 588 students<br>filled the online questionnaire, out of which 470 (79.93%) were females and 118<br>(20.07%) were males. Using varimax rotation, the EFA computed extracted three-factors<br>model, namely, course content coverage, teacher-student rapport and teaching and<br>learning to measure teacher effectiveness which was determined to be a good fit for the<br>data. The results of the study revealed Cronbach’s Alpha value of 0.772 showing high<br>internal consistency and validity evaluation from 0.799 to 0.409 factor loadings based on<br>the eigenvalue cut-off of .40. Item reduction resulted in 19 items.</p> 2024-01-31T00:00:00+01:00 Copyright (c) 2024 STUDENT’S AWARNESS AND UTILIZATION OF EDUCATIONAL APP FOR E-LEARNIG AMONG UNDERGRADUATE STUDENTS OF UNIVERSITY OF PORT HARCOURT. 2024-05-18T13:09:05+01:00 AKUTAEKWE CHINYERE EMILLIA [email protected] EKE, REGINA AKUDO [email protected] <p>The study investigated the awareness and utilization of educational app for e-learning<br>among Language Education Undergraduate Students in University of Port Harcourt. The<br>study adopted a descriptive research survey. Three research questions guided the study.<br>A purposive sample size of 128 students of language education in Uniport were used. The<br>instrument for data collection was questionnaire. The instrument was validated by three<br>experts in measurements and evaluation. Twenty students who were not part of the study<br>was used for reliability. A reliability technique was employed, while Cronbach’s Alpha<br>was used and a reliability index of 0.78 was gotten, which confirmed that the instrument<br>was reliable. Mean and standard deviation were used to answer the research questions.<br>The findings revealed that student are aware of the education apps and that they<br>frequently used utilize educational apps for e-learning. It also showed that a significant<br>gender difference exists between female and male awareness level of awareness of<br>educational app. It was therefore recommended that there should be proper sensitization<br>of students through seminars and workshops for them to understand how to use<br>educational app themselves. More attention should be paid on the female gender to boost<br>their awareness and the use of educational apps.</p> 2024-01-31T00:00:00+01:00 Copyright (c) 2024 CHALLENGES TEACHERS FACE IN USING EDUCATIONAL APP FOR IMPROVING PUPILS SPEAKNG SKILLS IN ENGLISH STUDIES IN AWKA SOUTH LOCAL GOVERNMENT AREA OF ANAMBRA STATE 2024-05-18T13:18:31+01:00 OLUWATAYO, JENNIFER CHIZOBA [email protected] UGWUDE, DORIS IFEOMA Ph.D [email protected] OKEKE, EUCHERIA NNEKA [email protected] <p>The study was designed to determine the challenges teachers face in using educational<br>app for improving pupils speaking skills in English Studies in Awka South Local<br>Government of Anambra State. Two research questions guided the study. Descriptive<br>survey research design was adopted. The population of the study comprised of 665 public<br>primary school teachers in 45 public primary schools in Awka South Local Government<br>Area of Anambra State. A sample of 200 primary school teachers was used for the study<br>using simple random sampling technique. The researchers developed an instrument titled<br>“Challenges Teachers Face in using Educational App for Improving Pupils Speaking<br>Skills (CTFEAIPSS)” Questionnaire. The instrument was validated by three experts.<br>Cronbach Alpha was used to measure the internal consistency and co-efficients of 0.77<br>and 0.79 were obtained with an overall co-efficient of 0.78.Data collected were analyzed<br>using weighted mean to answer the research questions and standard deviation to<br>determine the homogeneity or otherwise of the respondents' views. Findings of study<br>revealed that teachers are faced with challenges in using educational apps; lack of<br>teacher’s knowledge or proficiencies on the use of educational app and non-availability<br>of educational apps in schools among others. The study also disclosed that making<br>educational apps available in schools, providing adequate training for teachers on the<br>use of educational apps and giving teacher’s opportunities to select/choose educational<br>apps that they feel most comfortable with among others are the possible solutions to the<br>challenges teachers encounter. Based on the findings, it was recommended among others<br>that Anambra State Government in conjunction with Parent Teachers Association (PTA)<br>should make available the educational apps and its essential connectivity in primary<br>schools in order to enable pupils diversify their knowledge in technology and be able to<br>compete with their counterparts whether locally or internationally</p> 2024-01-31T00:00:00+01:00 Copyright (c) 2024 CULTURAL AND SOCIAL ISSUES IN THE AGE OF CHAT GENERATIVE PRE-TRAINED TRANSFORMER - ChatGPT: AN ARTIFICIAL INTELLIGENCE IN LEARNING 2024-05-18T13:31:41+01:00 UZOKIFE, GEORGINA C. [email protected] CHIBUEZE, OZIOMA OGBONNA [email protected] <p>A significant cultural shift has been spurred by the emergence of Chat Generative Pre-<br>trained Transformer (ChatGPT), a powerful Artificial Intelligence (AI) language model,<br>in the quickly changing world of technology and communication. The diverse effects of<br>Chat Generative Pre-trained Transformer (ChatGPT) on language use, social issues,<br>information transmission, and ethical considerations are explored in this research. We<br>examined the elements that contributed to its widespread adoption, such as accessibility,<br>usability, and versatility, drawing on its evolution and capabilities. The impact of Chat<br>Generative Pre-trained Transformer (ChatGPT) on language and society can be seen in<br>the formation of new linguistic fads, fashions, and slang that are influenced by<br>communication with the Artificial Intelligence (AI). Language and cross-cultural<br>communication barriers have also changed as a result of this, creating both opportunities<br>and challenges. We identify potential changes in social dynamics and the blending of<br>human and Artificial Intelligence (AI) communication by examining the consequences on<br>human-to-human interactions. ChatGPT can promote connectedness, yet its effect on<br>social isolation raises certain concerns. ChatGPT is influencing how individuals receive<br>and exchange information in the ever-changing information landscape, with<br>consequences for news, education, and entertainment. However, this change raises<br>questions regarding inaccurate information, prejudice, and moral issues related to<br>content produced by AI. The integration of ChatGPT with cultural and social contexts<br>puts ethical and moral issues front and center. The use of AI responsibly is required since<br>misuse, privacy concerns, and authenticity arguments are major issues. Guidelines for<br>ChatGPT's responsible integration across settings become more important as the<br>technology's function develops. ChatGPT has sparked a cultural change that is<br>profoundly influencing how the people communicate, share information, and interact<br>with one another. To successfully navigate this environment, one must have a thorough<br>grasp and understanding of its ramifications, be proactive with ethical questions, and be<br>dedicated to using AI's potential to benefit society and also culture. This study makes<br>suggestions for future research and policy development.</p> 2024-01-31T00:00:00+01:00 Copyright (c) 2024 CHEMISTRY TEACHERS’ KNOWLEDGE OF TEST CONSTRUCTION PROCEDURES: IMPLICATIONS ON STUDENTS’ ACADEMIC ACHIEVEMENT IN CHEMISTRY IN ANAMBRA STATE 2024-05-18T13:42:31+01:00 OBIALOR, CHRIS OKWUCHUKWU Ph.D [email protected] EBELIDE, MICHAEL C. [email protected] EGBOJIUGHA, STEPHEN C. [email protected] <p>The study determined the chemistry teachers’ knowledge of test construction procedures<br>in chemistry objective test and its implications on students’ academic achievement in<br>chemistry in Awka Education Zone, Anambra State. Three research questions guided the<br>study. The study employed descriptive survey research design. The population of the<br>study consisted of all the 87 chemistry teachers in the 68 government-owned secondary<br>schools in Awka Education zone of Anambra State. The sample size for the study<br>comprised of 43 chemistry teachers selected using simple random sampling technique.<br>The instrument for data collection was questionnaire titled “Chemistry Teachers’<br>Knowledge of Test Construction Procedures in Chemistry Objective Test”<br>(CTKTCPCOT). The instrument was validated by two experts in the Faculty of<br>Education, Nnamdi Azikiwe University, Awka. The reliability of the instrument was<br>determined using Cronbach-alpha statistic which yielded reliability coefficients of 0.71,<br>0.73 and 0.75. Data collected was analyzed using mean scores. The findings of the study<br>revealed that gender differences, teaching experiences and professional qualifications of<br>chemistry teachers have a significant influence on their knowledge of test construction<br>procedures in chemistry objective test which affect students’ academic achievement in<br>chemistry. Based on the findings of the study, it was recommended among others that, the<br>state ministry of Education should organize conferences, seminars and workshops for in-<br>service training of chemistry teachers in order to update their knowledge on test<br>construction procedures in chemistry objective tests so as to enhance students’ academic<br>achievement in Chemistry.</p> 2024-01-31T00:00:00+01:00 Copyright (c) 2024 ASSESSING AVAILABILITY OF E-LEARNING RESOURCES FOR TEACHING ENGLISH LANGUAGE IN PUBLIC SECONDARY SCHOOLS IN POSTCOVID-19 ERA IN AWKA SOUTH LGA. 2024-05-18T13:54:37+01:00 EZENWOSU, NGOZI ELIZABETH Ph.D [email protected] ANYANWU, ADELINE NNE Ph.D [email protected] OKEKE, NKECHI UZOCHUKWU Ph.D [email protected] EMEKA, IFEANYI DAVID Ph.D [email protected] NKANNEBE, PERPETUA CHINWE [email protected] <p>The study investigated the availability of E-learning resources for teaching English<br>language in public secondary schools in Awka South Local Government Area of<br>Anambra state, Nigeria. The study adopted a descriptive research design and three<br>research questions guided the study. The population of the study consists of 85 English<br>language teachers in 18 public secondary schools in Awka South Local Government<br>Area. There was no sampling because the population was manageable. The instrument<br>for data collection was 18 item questionnaire validated by three experts two from the<br>department of Educational Foundations and one from English department, Faculty of<br>Arts all in Nnamdi Azikiwe University, Awka. The reliability of the instrument was<br>determined using test-re-test method which yielded reliability co-efficient of 0.74. The<br>data was analysed using frequencies and numbers as the statistical methods. The findings<br>of the study revealed that the percentages of unavailable E-learning resources for<br>teaching English language in public secondary schools are higher than the ones<br>available. Based on the result of the findings, it was concluded that the unavailability of<br>these resources could be hindering their utilization for the teaching of English language<br>which invariably could be negatively affecting students' academic achievement in English<br>language. It was therefore suggested among other things that these E-learning resources<br>should be provided by the government and other concerned individuals particularly<br>multinational organizations in the local government area.</p> 2024-01-31T00:00:00+01:00 Copyright (c) 2024 INFLUENCE OF ONLINE ADOLESCENT LITERATURE FOR SUSTAINABLE DEVELOPMENT OF MORAL VALUES AMONG SECONDARY SCHOOL STUDENTS IN BOMADI LGA, NIGERIA 2024-05-18T14:10:52+01:00 EKE, REGINA AKUDO [email protected] AKUTAEKWE CHINYERE EMILLIA [email protected] <p>This study investigates influence of online adolescent literature for Sustainable<br>Development of moral values in secondary school students in Bomadi local Government<br>Area. Five research questions guided the study. The study adopted a descriptive survey<br>research design. The sample size was two hundred and sixty-four (264) respondents. The<br>sample was selected using simple random sampling technique. A Questionnaire was used<br>for data collection. The instrument was validated by three experts. Twenty students who<br>were not part of the study was used to determine the reliability. A reliability index of 0.77<br>was got using Cronbach Alpha, which confirmed that the instrument was reliable. Mean<br>and standard deviation were used to answer the research questions. The result of the<br>study revealed that exposure to a wide range of online literature featuring diverse<br>characters and themes can foster empathy, tolerance, influences students’ soft skills;<br>respect for elders, honesty and tolerance between male and female students. It also<br>revealed that there are challenges associated with online adolescent literature ranging<br>from lack of supervision, false information, online predators etc. which hinder<br>sustainable development of moral values of students. These can help educators to make<br>informed decisions about the texts they incorporate into their e-learning platforms. The<br>study recommends that educators and curriculum planners should endeavour to upload<br>relevant literatures to their e-learning libraries with sufficient and relevant novels on<br>adolescent literatures and emphasis should be made on the need for students to read<br>online adolescent literatures for Sustainable Development of moral values.</p> 2024-01-31T00:00:00+01:00 Copyright (c) 2024 A THEORETICAL FRAMEWORK FOR LEVERAGING ASSISTIVE TECHNOLOGIES IN DYSGRAPHIA REMEDIATION LEARNING 2024-05-18T14:18:57+01:00 MARY NNEKA NWIKPO Ph.D [email protected] <p>Dysgraphia is a learning difference that impairs students' capacity to produce legible<br>and coherent written language and poses significant obstacles for their academic and<br>personal growth. With the advent of Assistive Technologies (AT), however, new<br>possibilities emerge for individuals with this learning disability to accomplish tasks that<br>were previously difficult or unfeasible. AT tools target challenges pertaining to writing,<br>spelling, and organizing ideas on paper or digital platforms. Nonetheless, the absence of<br>a comprehensive theoretical framework impedes the systematic incorporation of AT into<br>dysgraphia remediation practices. This paper, therefore, advances a theoretical<br>framework intended to assist educators, researchers, and practitioners in the efficacious<br>utilization of assistive technologies (AT) for the remediation of dysgraphia. This<br>framework examines key components, such as assessment, technology selection,<br>instructional strategies, and evaluation, to establish a coherent approach for dysgraphia<br>remediation. By adhering to this framework, stakeholders of education can cooperate to<br>assess, select, integrate, and evaluate AT solutions customized to individual needs.<br>Ultimately, this approach will enable students with dysgraphia, promote autonomy and<br>enhance their academic and personal development.</p> 2024-01-31T00:00:00+01:00 Copyright (c) 2024 INFLUENCE OF ICT KNOWLEDGE ON TEACHERS’ EFFECTIVENESS AND STUDENTS’ ACADEMIC ACHIEVEMENT IN PUBLIC SECONDARY SCHOOLS IN OWERRI NORTH L.G.A 2024-05-18T14:26:26+01:00 IPEM, JOSEPHINE N. Ph.D [email protected] AZUBUIKE, OGECHI J [email protected] ALARIBE, CHRISTOPHER O [email protected] <p>This study investigated the influence of information and communication technology<br>knowledge on teacher’s effectiveness and students’ academic achievement in public<br>secondary school in Owerri North LGA of Imo State. The research design adopted for<br>this study was a descriptive survey design. Four research questions guided the study. The<br>population of the study comprised all students and teachers in Owerri North L .G .A,<br>giving a total of seven thousand, three hundred and thirty three (7333) (Six hundred and<br>sixty six teachers (660) and six thousand, six hundred and sixty seven students 6607). The<br>sample size for the study comprised three hundred and fifty (350) respondents, randomly<br>drawn from the study population. The instrument for data collection was the researchers<br>constructed questionnaire titled “ICT knowledge and Teachers Effectiveness and<br>Academic Achievement Questionnaire” (IKTEAAAQ).The instrument was face and<br>content validated by two experts in information and communication technology, and an<br>expert in Measurement and Evaluation all from Alvan Ikoku Federal University of<br>Education Owerri. Reliability of the instrument was ascertained using a test re-test<br>method of an interval of two weeks. Thereafter, the two sets of scores generated were<br>correlated using Pearson’s Product Moment Correlation Statistics and reliability index<br>of 0.86 was obtained. The data collected was analyzed using mean statistics. The findings<br>revealed that adequate knowledge ICT is relevance for teacher’s effectiveness in public<br>secondary schools. The findings of the study also showed that, teacher’s attitude towards<br>the use of ICT in public secondary schools in Owerri North was positive. The study also<br>revealed that to a large extent, teacher’s effective use of ICT promotes student’s<br>academic achievements. Based on the findings, the researchers recommended among<br>others that government should provide and equip all the public secondary schools with<br>appropriate and relevant ICT equipment to aid teaching and learning. Government and</p> 2024-01-31T00:00:00+01:00 Copyright (c) 2024 HOME VARIABLES AND PEER PRESSURE AS CORRELATES OF PSYCHOLOGICAL WELL BEING OF IN-SCHOOL ADOLESCENTS IN ANAMBRA STATE. 2024-05-18T14:37:05+01:00 ABERT CHUKWUEMEKA ONYEBUCHI [email protected] EMEKA, IFEANYI DAVID Ph.D [email protected] <p>This study seek to examine the relationship between home variables, peer pressure and<br>psychological wellbeing of in-school adolescents in Anambra state. Three research<br>question and one hypothesis guided the study. Correlational research design was adopted<br>for the study. The study was carried out in Anambra State. The population of the study<br>comprised of year two senior secondary school (SSS2) students in the 263 public<br>secondary schools in the six (6) education zones in Anambra state. The participants for<br>the study consists of 946 students, obtained through non-proportionate stratified<br>random sampling technique from eight (8) schools in Onitsha, and Awka education<br>zones. Instruments for data collection include a structured questionnaire that was<br>designed by experts to collect data on the student’s Psychological Well-Being called<br>Psychological Well-Being Scale for adolescents (PWBSA) and Peer Pressure Inventory<br>for Adolescents (PPIA). The data collected was analyzed using Pearson Product Moment<br>Correlation Coefficient (Pearson r) while hypothesis was tested at .05 level of<br>significance using multiplelinear regression. The findings of the study reveals that peer<br>pressure, parental level of education, family income, parental occupation have positive<br>relationship with psychological well-being of in-school adolescents in Anambra state.<br>Recommendations were made and some of the recommendations include that Parents<br>should try as much as possible to improve the home environment of the in-school<br>adolescents so as to enhance their psychological well-being. Also students should be<br>encouraged to choose their friend wisely as some have negative influence on them,<br>especially those who sneak out of school, use drugs and those who do not attend school<br>regularly.</p> 2024-01-31T00:00:00+01:00 Copyright (c) 2024 PHILOSOPHY OF EDUCATION AND THE NECESSITY OF E-LEARNING FOR SUSTAINABLE TEACHER EDUCATION IN ANAMBRA STATE, NIGERIA 2024-05-18T14:44:26+01:00 REV.FR. DR. EZEANOLUE ALOYSIUS O [email protected] DR. ABIAKWU ONYINYECHI F. [email protected] DR. EZEWUZIE JIDEOFOR J [email protected] NJOKU, CHINWE A [email protected] <p>Philosophy of Education develops an open attitude in teachers that make them receptive<br>to new ideas which on basis of better reasoning is preferable to the existing one. E-<br>learning is one of the new ideas that is necessary for teachers in this technological era.<br>Teacher education institutions should lead in e-learning process which requires<br>competence in managing the required e-learning devices. This study examined the<br>necessity of e-learning in the light of philosophy of education for sustainable teacher<br>education in Anambra State Nigeria. Three research questions guided the flow of the<br>study. The population for this study consisted of all the 258 computer science education<br>lecturers in the four government – owned teacher education institutions in Anambra<br>State. No sampling was done owing to the manageable size of the population. Data were<br>collected with researchers – developed questionnaire which was validated by two experts<br>and yielded a mean reliability coefficient of 0.84 using Cronbach alpha statistics. Mean<br>ratings were used to answer the research questions. The study found out that computers,<br>laptops, standby generators, and internet facilities are the topmost e-learning devices<br>necessary for sustainable teacher education in Anambra State. The study further revealed<br>that making students better prepared to fit into the current technological changes and<br>impacting students’ learning with higher order of thinking are the topmost benefit to be<br>derived from e-learning for sustainable teacher education. Based on the findings, the<br>study recommended among other things that the federal and state governments should<br>adopt e-learning in all teacher education institutions through effective policy<br>implementation and provision of required resources.</p> 2024-01-31T00:00:00+01:00 Copyright (c) 2024 TEACHERS’ PERCEPTION OF THE USE OF HYPERTEXT APPLICATION FOR IMPROVING ENGLISH READING SKILLS OF SECONDARY SCHOOL DYSLEXIC STUDENTS FOR SUSTAINABLE CURRICULUM DELIVERY 2024-05-18T14:57:49+01:00 VICTORIA CHIDIEBELE UDENWA Ph.D [email protected] CHINYERE CELINA OKOYE [email protected] OBIAGELI IFEOMA IKWUKA Ph.D [email protected] CHRISTOPHER NNALUE CHETUYA [email protected] <p>Dyslexia is a learning disability which threatens the academic success of many students.<br>This learning difficulty has been observed by the researchers among the students in<br>Njikoka Local Government Area, Anambra state. Hence, this study investigated the use of<br>hypertext application for improvement of English reading skill of secondary school<br>dyslexic students for sustainable curriculum delivery. Descriptive survey research design<br>was adopted for the study and two research questions guided the study. The population of<br>the study comprised all the 40 English language teachers in the 11 public secondary<br>schools in Njikoka Local Government Area. No sampling was done as the population is<br>of manageable size. A 14-item questionnaire titled “Use of Hypertext Application for<br>English Reading Skill Questionnaire” (UHAERSQ) was used for data collection. The<br>instrument for data collection was validated by three experts, two from Department of<br>Educational Foundation, Faculty of Education, Nnamdi Azikiwe University, Awka and<br>one English language teacher from senior secondary school. The reliability of the<br>instrument was tested with Cronbach Alpha which yielded reliability index values of 0.70<br>and 0.72 respectively for the two clusters. Data collected were analyzed using mean. The<br>findings of the study revealed that the use of hypertext application improved English<br>reading skill of senior secondary school dyslexic students. In addition, the study indicated<br>that the use of hypertext application is of benefit to secondary school dyslexic students.<br>The researchers therefore recommended among others that government should equip<br>secondary schools with enough e-learning facilities such as computer, laptop to enable<br>sustainable curriculum delivery for dyslexic students in particular and other students in<br>general.</p> 2024-01-31T00:00:00+01:00 Copyright (c) 2024 APPLICATION OF E-LEARNING FOR SUSTAINABLE EDUCATION OF PERSONS WITH SPECIAL NEEDS IN HIGHER INSTITUTIONS IN NIGERIA 2024-05-18T15:10:05+01:00 BALAMI, DANIEL IBRAHIM [email protected] OKOYE ALEXANDER TOCHUKWU [email protected] ISA UMARU [email protected] <p>The history of e-learning shows that it has been a transition over the years. It has proved<br>to be reliable source of teaching and learning for diverse learners worldwide. Nations<br>have been greatly influenced by the multiplicity of its role in Education. E-learning<br>technologies are not quite new in the global community. They have been quite around<br>and common over the decade and are still very much around. E-learning is a type of<br>learning where teachers and students interact electronically despite distance, time or<br>location using online devices. The term encompasses a broad array of content and<br>instructional methods which teachers and students use especially in higher institutions of<br>learning in Nigeria. The provision of E-learning is an important factor in providing<br>comprehensive solutions within educational sector. Persons with special needs can<br>benefit greatly from e-learning education and home schooling if the application is done<br>successfully and sustainable. In this paper, the authors discussed issues in connection<br>with the application of e-learning for sustainable special needs in higher institutions in<br>Nigeria. Further discussions in the paper were various issues such as who are students<br>with special educational needs, concept of E-learning and historical perspectives,<br>application of e-learning to students with special needs, the relevance of e-learning to<br>students with special needs. The paper concluded that Federal Ministry of Education<br>should provide laptops, data and free or affordable WiFi to enhance learning. In<br>addition, teachers or persons with special needs should develop positive attitude toward<br>incorporation of E-learning. Finally web designers, technicians and developers should<br>consider the unique needs of persons with special needs in designing this technology to<br>enable them carry out their learning tasks effectively.</p> 2024-01-31T00:00:00+01:00 Copyright (c) 2024 RE-ENGINEERING TECHNOLOGY EDUCATION FOR CREATIVITY AND JOB SECURITY IN POST COVID-19 ERA 2024-05-18T15:20:15+01:00 NWANA S. E. Ph.D [email protected] CHRISTOPHER NNALUE CHETUYA [email protected] NWARU, P. E. [email protected] OSONWA, K. E [email protected] <p>The paper centres on re-engineering technology education for creativity and job security<br>in post covid-19 era. It was an era in which there was out-break of corona virus that<br>ravaged the world; and there was lockdown resulting to economic hardship, poverty,<br>hunger, unemployment and economic recession. An area that can quickly revamp the<br>economy is technology education which has the skills for creativity and productive<br>economy. This paper explored the concepts and objectives of technology education. It<br>examined the concepts of entrepreneurship and entrepreneurship education,<br>unemployment and the various types. It discussed technology education for job creativity<br>and job security in post covid-19 era. It outlined and discussed the strategies for<br>improving technology education for creativity, wealth generation and self-economic<br>sustainability. One of the recommendations is that the government should provide<br>adequate quantities of materials, equipment, ICT resources, digital technologies and e-<br>learning resources needed for 21st century technology education in order to enhance<br>creativity.</p> 2024-01-31T00:00:00+01:00 Copyright (c) 2024 E-LEARNING FOR SUSTAINABLE OPEN AND DISTANCE LEARNING IN NIGERIAN EDUCATIONAL SYSTEM 2024-05-18T15:33:45+01:00 NKEMDILIM, ANAYO I. [email protected] NWARU, Patricia E. [email protected] OBINECHE, MARYCYNTHIA CHETACHUKWU [email protected] <p>The recent efforts by government in the area of education cannot be over emphasized. On<br>the other hand, the rapid development in E-learning in recent years have resulted in<br>significant changes in the way the world operates and communicates. This in turn, has<br>had an impact on educational needs, both in terms of the content and the delivery of<br>educational services. This paper highlighted the usefulness of E-learning in open and<br>distance education, the paper also identified some challenges militating against the use<br>of this technology in the education sector and made useful suggestions to combat them.</p> 2024-01-31T00:00:00+01:00 Copyright (c) 2024 STUDENTS’ INVOLVEMENT IN CULTISM IN TERTIARY INSTITUTIONS IN NIGERIA: UNDERGRADUATE STUDENTS’ VIEW OF THE CAUSES, EFFECTS AND SOLUTIONS 2024-05-18T15:45:35+01:00 ELEJE, LYDIA I Ph.D [email protected] URAMA, CELESTINE C [email protected] METU, IFEOMA C Ph.D [email protected] ABANOBI, C. C [email protected] <p>The study aimed at investigating the causes, effects and solutions to Cultism in the<br>Nigerian Tertiary Institutions as perceived by Undergraduate students of Faculty of<br>Education, Nnamdi Azikiwe University Awka Anambra State. Descriptive survey design<br>was adopted. Three research questions were answered, and three hypotheses were tested<br>at 0.05 of significance. Purposive sampling technique was used to sample 150 students<br>from the 1,711 400 Level undergraduate students of Faculty of Education, Nnamdi<br>Azikiwe University Awka. The research instrument used was constructed by the<br>researchers and validated by experts. Data collected were analyzed using mean,<br>standard deviation, and t-test. Findings of the study revealed that the major cause of<br>cultism in tertiary institutions was inadequate funding of the University to acceptably<br>take care of students’ welfare, amongst others. However, the effects of cultism and<br>possible solutions were not clear. Based on this finding, we recommend that parents,<br>government and necessary stakeholders should fund the tertiary institutions adequately to<br>combat and ensure an efficient and effective handling of campus secret cults related<br>issues. Also for a future study on separate audience to further verify the possible effects<br>of cultism and solutions.</p> 2024-01-31T00:00:00+01:00 Copyright (c) 2024 E-LEARNING IN NIGERIAN EDUCATION: THE PROSPECTS AND CHALLENGES 2024-05-18T15:57:32+01:00 MBATO, STANLEY IKEMEFULA [email protected] OSIGWE, JOY NWAKAEGO [email protected] <p>This study examined the concept of e-learning in Nigerian education: prospects and<br>challenges. It defined e-learning as a process whereby the learners and teachers can<br>connect with each other with the use of the computer and internet connectivity to study<br>from the comfort of their homes in different locations without being physically present.<br>However, the study identified that savings of transportation cost, helping students to do<br>independent research and individualize learning, and others as the prospect of e-<br>learning. Whereas poor electricity power supply, poor network connectivity, poverty,<br>lack infrastructural facilities in the schools as the challenges and hindrances of e-<br>learning in Nigeria education. Finally, the paper concludes by making suggestions as the<br>way forward. For electronic learning to drive in Nigeria, the government should improve<br>the power sector, for the learners will need not to spend too much money in the purchase<br>of fusel fuel to generate power for themselves before the can charge their e-learning<br>tools. The government should make digital electronic tools for learning available in the<br>Nigerian schools for the learners and students, for it will improve their academic<br>performance.</p> 2024-01-31T00:00:00+01:00 Copyright (c) 2024 E-LEARNING AND RESOURCES MANAGEMENT FOR SUSTAINABLE EDUCATION IN CONTEMPORARY NIGERIA 2024-05-18T16:05:34+01:00 MBONU, OBIANUJU ADAOBI Ph.D [email protected] UDENSI, UKAKU SOLOMON Ph.D [email protected] <p>Educational resources comprise of human and material resources; and resources are the<br>key ingredients for the most essential functions of school administration in contemporary<br>Nigeria. Hence, it is seen as the instrument for implementing the educational programmes<br>of schools. The use of e-learning technology (mobile learning) in schools for sustainable<br>education in contemporary Nigeria will not only help in resources management in<br>education but also in making teaching and learning stimulating, interesting, interactive<br>and engaging with teachers and students. Thus, teachers and instructors need to be<br>educated so as to step out of the present conventional face-to-face methods of classroom<br>teaching to the digital accepted platform suited for teaching using e-learning method.<br>This should be done if government at all levels put in place resources centers for<br>organization, management and maintenance of educational resources in Nigeria. The<br>paper therefore, highlighted the concepts of; education, sustainable education, resources<br>and resources management in education. Others are benefits and challenges of e-learning<br>as well as conclusion and recommendations on the way forward.</p> 2024-01-31T00:00:00+01:00 Copyright (c) 2024 PERCEIVED IMPACT OF YOUTUBE VIDEOS AS AN ACADEMIC ONLINE LEARNING TOOL FOR UNDERGRADUATE STUDENTS AT NOUN, RIVERS STATE. 2024-05-18T16:20:42+01:00 CHIMEZIE, UCHENNA ANTHONY [email protected] ATTIH, JULIANA ASUQUO [email protected] EJIKE, CHIOMA GLORY [email protected] <p>The advent of digital technology has revolutionized the landscape of education, offering<br>diverse opportunities for innovative pedagogical approaches that have the capacity to<br>enhance students’ learning and improve academic performance. This study investigated<br>the perceived impact of YouTube videos as an academic online learning tool for<br>undergraduate students at National Open University Nigeria (NOUN), Rivers State. The<br>study adopted a descriptive survey research design with a population of 1153 300-Levels<br>undergraduate students. Simple random sampling technique was adopted to draw a<br>sample size of 346 students representing 30% of the total population. The instrument for<br>data collection was a researcher-structured questionnaire titled “Impact of YouTube<br>Videos as an Academic Online Learning Tool Questionnaire (IYVAOLTQ)” which was<br>properly validated by three experts and tested for reliability using the Cronbach Alpha<br>method and yielded a coefficient of 0.88 which was high enough for the study. The<br>findings of this study highlighted the multifaceted role of YouTube videos in the academic<br>journeys of undergraduate students. It also revealed that the majority of students<br>frequently used YouTube videos as supplementary learning resources and considered<br>them valuable for improving their understanding of course materials. The study<br>concluded that YouTube videos play a significant role in the academic experiences of<br>undergraduate students at NOUN, Rivers State, serving as a valuable supplement to<br>traditional course materials. Hence, it was concluded amongst others that educators<br>should promote the use of open educational resources (OER) such as YouTube videos<br>and other licensed educational content to maintain academic rigor and standards.</p> 2024-01-31T00:00:00+01:00 Copyright (c) 2024