UNIZIK Law Journal https://journals.unizik.edu.ng/ulj <p>The UNIZIK Law Journal is a peer reviewed journal published by the Faculty of Law, Nnamdi Azikiwe University, Awka. The journal which is peer reviewed calls for papers for the next volume.</p> <p>Contributors are free to address any area of law, preferably, issues of contemporary value. All articles should be typed using one-and half line spacing. One hard copy is required for assessment alongside an electronic copy sent through our email address: [email protected]</p> en-US [email protected] (The Editor-in-Chief) [email protected] (Victor Akwara) Mon, 10 Jan 2022 00:00:00 +0100 OJS http://blogs.law.harvard.edu/tech/rss 60 Child/Forced Marriage and Human Rights of Women in Nigeria: A Legal Anatomy https://journals.unizik.edu.ng/ulj/article/view/883 <p>It is a notorious fact that in patriarchal societies such as those of Nigeria, women are disadvantaged by<br>discriminatory customary practices that assigned gender roles on them which subordinate them to men.<br>This has mounted immense pressure on women such that they keep struggling in order to be seen in all<br>spheres of life.171 The most highlighted of these gender discriminatory customary practices is<br>child/forced marriage. It is unarguable that the rights of the child all over the world are considered to be<br>paramount, inalienable and inderogable. This is why there have been several outcries against the<br>continued practice of child/forced marriage in most developing, underdeveloped and the Arab countries<br>of the world. The danger associated with child/forced marriage is legion and if not urgently nipped on<br>the bud, will reduce the women folk to mere logs of wood. Using empirical and doctrinal research<br>methods, this work critically examined the practice of child/forced marriage in Nigeria and found out<br>that this customary practice still thrives in Nigeria, mostly in Northern parts of Nigeria.<br>Recommendations were made strict adherence to which shall throw this menace into the oblivion.</p> <p>&nbsp;</p> Umeh, Samson Obi, Molokwu, Cornelius Chuks, Umeh, Sarah Igbokwubiri, Copyright (c) 2022 UNIZIK Law Journal https://journals.unizik.edu.ng/ulj/article/view/883 Mon, 10 Jan 2022 00:00:00 +0100 LEGAL FRAMEWORK FOR COPYRIGHT MANAGEMENT IN NIGERIA: A REVIEW OF THE FUNCTIONS OF COLLECTIVE MANAGEMENT ORGANISATIONS https://journals.unizik.edu.ng/ulj/article/view/911 <p>The essence of copyright management is to plummet infringements and establish a structure for<br>copyright owners to enjoy maximum benefits from the exploitation of their works. However, despite<br>efforts in creating an efficient copyright management, much has not been achieved as the advancement<br>of technology has challenged the efforts as infringement is now easier and with global nature. With the<br>above, an efficient copyright management in the present technological age will naturally be complex and<br>flexible to take care of developing technologies. This work made a study of the legal framework for the<br>management of copyright in Nigeria, considering the duties and powers of the Nigerian Copyright<br>Commission as the sole administrative/regulatory body with responsibility of ensuring proper<br>administration of copyright in Nigeria. Nigerian Copyright Commission has powers to approve<br>Collective Management Organisations which directly manages the rights of copyright owners on their<br>behalf. Under normal circumstance, the law is supposed to keep pace with changes in society. However,<br>the rapid technological changes creating new channels and modes of copyright infringement is clearly<br>threatening to leave the Nigerian law behind and obsolete against copyright management. The study<br>adopted the doctrinal research methodology using analytical approach with the aid of statutory<br>enactments, case laws, text books. It is the finding in the paper that Nigerian Copyright Commission and<br>Collective Management Organisations as approved by Nigerian Copyright Commission are laid back and<br>need to catch up with technological trend for effective management of copyright.<br><br></p> Somto David Ojukwu Copyright (c) 2022 UNIZIK Law Journal https://journals.unizik.edu.ng/ulj/article/view/911 Mon, 10 Jan 2022 00:00:00 +0100 THE ROLE OF LAW IN THE SEXUALISATION OF POLITICS IN NIGERIA https://journals.unizik.edu.ng/ulj/article/view/881 <p>Men and women are sexual beings that relate harmoniously together but there are sexual politics in<br>virtually all aspects of interpersonal relationships. Sexual politics is how power is shared between men<br>and women, whether evenly or marginally. These relationships between the sexes are viewed in the<br>political ideology as political sexualisation. However, the many factors and interplays of issues in this<br>milieu propel this study to critically examine “the role of law in the sexualisation of politics in Nigeria.”<br>The specific objectives were to appraise the incidents of sexual politics between male and female, to<br>examine the challenges faced by the female folk, and to as well appraise enactments both national and<br>international made to curb the menace of sexual politics marginalization in the Nigerian society, and<br>finally made some recommendations. The research design and methodology was doctrinal approach,<br>using analytical and descriptive research methodology. The main sources of data collection were various<br>legal documents and materials, both from the library and internet, and covering the primary sources and<br>the secondary sources. For the summary of findings, it was submitted among others that the term politics<br>refers to power-structured relationships and arrangements, whereby one group of persons is controlled<br>by another, and patriarchy on the other hand is an institution perpetuated by such techniques of control,<br>thus giving a working definition on how politics is conceived. It was further observed that while politics<br>is concerned with getting or using power within a particular group or organization, patriarchal<br>government can be taken as an institution whereby half of the populace which is female is controlled by<br>the other half which is male. Sequel to these backdrops, it was recommended that the distance between<br>the real and the ideal which result in contradictions and exceptions should be bridged within the system,<br>also that patriarchy as an institution should be less dogmatic in male dominance, and with the import of<br>democracy, females should not be discriminated in holding political power or occupying any political<br>office, notwithstanding their sex. Finally, this study was made to be significant to scholars of<br>jurisprudence, political philosophers, feminism and human rights advocates, as well as being relevant to<br>the legal practitioners, politicians, economists, and political scientists, as well as the judges/justices in<br>any case relating to women political rights.</p> <p>&nbsp;</p> ILOKA PATRICIA CHINWE. Copyright (c) 2022 UNIZIK Law Journal https://journals.unizik.edu.ng/ulj/article/view/881 Mon, 10 Jan 2022 00:00:00 +0100 EVALUATION OF THE IMPACTS OF COVID-19 PANDEMIC ON CUSTOMS CLEARANCE PROCEDURE IN NIGERIA https://journals.unizik.edu.ng/ulj/article/view/909 <p>Customs clearance is a critical process to the facilitation of international trade through improved customs<br>and port administrations. Delays and uncertainties in this procedure lead to significant costs for<br>international trade and the local economy. The COVID-19 pandemic reveals the weaknesses in customs<br>clearance procedures and the response of government most of which have proved counterproductive.<br>This paper evaluated the impacts of COVID-19 on customs clearance procedure in Nigeria and its<br>implication for the regional integration efforts under the African Continental Free Trade Agreement<br>(AfCFTA). The paper adopted doctrinal research method by relyingon relevant statutes and literature. It<br>provided an overview of the legal and institutional framework for customs clearance in Nigeria; analysed<br>the customs clearance procedure before and after the pandemic and made necessary recommendations. It<br>argued that the current procedure and policies are inefficient to encourage international trade with<br>Nigeria and is bound to experience challenges in implementing the ambitions of the AfCFTA. It<br>recommended the introduction of a robust customs clearance procedure and the use of technology to<br>simplify procedures and facilitate trade for preparing the country to take advantage of the opportunities<br>presented by the AfCFTA.<br><br></p> John Funsho Olorunfemi, Ijeoma Nwando Nwala, Ebelechukwu Okiche Copyright (c) 2022 UNIZIK Law Journal https://journals.unizik.edu.ng/ulj/article/view/909 Mon, 10 Jan 2022 00:00:00 +0100 THE EFFICACY OF ONE PERSON COMPANY UNDER THE COMPANIES AND ALLIED MATTERS ACT 2020: LESSONS FROM SINGAPORE AND INDIA https://journals.unizik.edu.ng/ulj/article/view/915 <p>A Company is a person or a body of persons who pool their resources together in other to form a<br>business for profit maximization or social responsibility. The business association under this heading<br>has one feature in common;they have legal personality that is they are legal entities distinct and separate<br>from the persons of which they consist. In the same stead, a company is the greatest asset of the Gross<br>Domestic Product of several countries and by extension, the per capital income. It is therefore<br>submitted that a company is a veritable medium for carrying out business and non business activities in<br>a society. It is not in doubt that section 18 (2) of the Companies and Allied Matters Act 2020 (CAMA<br>2020) provided for the novel practice of One Person Company (OPC) in Nigeria. Essentially, this paper<br>which adopted the doctrinal research methodology interrogated the history of companies in Nigeria;<br>merits/demerits of OPC in the economic sphere of a society; provision of OPC under the CAMA 2020<br>and the lessons derivable from the practice and procedure of OPC in the jurisdictions of Singapore and<br>India with the aim of rejigging the practice and procedure of OPC in Nigeria. It was observed by this<br>paper that the CAMA 2020 which provides the current legal framework for the practice of OPC in<br>Nigeria merely provided for OPC but never contemplated the possible continuity of OPCs upon the<br>death of the subscriber. Thus, therecommendations of this paper included that the provisions of the<br>CAMA 2020 should be amended to provide for a nominee who shall in the event of the subscriber‘s<br>death or his incapacity to contract become the member of the company and interventions should be<br>provided in circumstances of withdrawal of consent, death and incapacity of the contracted nominee to<br>an OPC in Nigeria as practiced in India and Singapore.</p> <p>&nbsp;</p> C. E. Halliday, G.C. Okara Copyright (c) 2022 UNIZIK Law Journal https://journals.unizik.edu.ng/ulj/article/view/915 Mon, 10 Jan 2022 00:00:00 +0100 DOCTRINE OF EXCLUSION AND LIMITATIONCLAUSES IN AN AGREEMENT: APPROACHFROM THE CONTRACT OF CARRIAGE BY AIR https://journals.unizik.edu.ng/ulj/article/view/884 <p>The cardinal principle of law of contract is that, right from the point of entering into an agreement,<br>parties are and should be allowed to exercise their free will to bargain in any form of contract they wish<br>to enter into. This is called doctrine of consensus ad idem. It is the consequence of this doctrine that<br>gives life to the contractual elements thereby validates all the exclusionary and/or limiting clauses<br>inserted in the agreement between the parties. Be that as it may, Air carrier and passenger(s) are allowed<br>to insert any of the clauses provided they will act within the general principle of law of contract and the<br>various international and domestic instruments guiding the contract of carriage by air. Adopting various<br>interpretations of Montreal Convention 1999 by the Nigerian courts, the paper therefore explores how<br>the doctrine of exclusion and limitation clauses are being applied to the contract of carriage by air and<br>under what circumstances would the doctrine be jettisoned in the contract of carriage by air? The paper<br>is doctrinal in nature; thereby gather information from both the primary and secondary sources of law. It<br>finds that the general principle of exclusion and limitation clauses is applicable to the contract of carriage<br>by air; however, the circumstances under which the clauses may be jettisoned are well and clearly stated<br>in both the international convention and various domestic laws on carriage of passengers, goods and<br>cargo. The paper concludes and recommends that the validity and enforceability of clause depend on the<br>effectiveness of the doctrine of consensus ad idemby the parties as well as other terms of the in<br>contractual agreement. However, the notice of the clauses should be made mandatory rather than its<br>failure from the air carrier be treated as a mere irregularity. This will further sensitize the passengers as<br>to the nature and consequence of the clause inserted into the air ticket.<br><br></p> Ismail Adua Mustapha, Abdulganiyu Bello Copyright (c) 2022 UNIZIK Law Journal https://journals.unizik.edu.ng/ulj/article/view/884 Mon, 10 Jan 2022 00:00:00 +0100 CHILD RIGHTS LAW AND PRACTICE IN NIGERIA: A LESSON FROM SOUTH AFRICA https://journals.unizik.edu.ng/ulj/article/view/912 <p>In Nigeria, children are not adequately protected because they are exposed to various forms of abuses in<br>the form of child labour, child trafficking, child marriage, domestic violence and sexual abuses amongst<br>other violations of their rights. Also, Child related extant laws are not effective in protecting or<br>promoting the rights of children because of the marked increase in the incidences of child rights abuses<br>in Nigeria. This article seeks to appraise the child rights law and practice in Nigeria and South Africa<br>through doctrinal research method and it found that Nigeria can learn some lessons from the child rights<br>law and practice in South Africa especially in the aspect of constitutional provisions, justice system and<br>social security. The paper therefore recommended legislative and executive inputs to adopt these key<br>aspects to further protect and promote the rights of children in Nigeria.<br><br></p> Patricia Imade Gbobo, Professor O.W Igwe Copyright (c) 2022 UNIZIK Law Journal https://journals.unizik.edu.ng/ulj/article/view/912 Mon, 10 Jan 2022 00:00:00 +0100 An Appraisal of the legal and Policy Framework in Combating Climate Change in Nigeria: What is the Way Forward https://journals.unizik.edu.ng/ulj/article/view/882 <p>The climate change debate has moved from being an illusion to being a serious environmental challenge<br>for modern governments especially in developing societies. Even though, countries in the Global North<br>have been the culprit and those in the Global South have been the victims, trading blames back and forth<br>will only aggravate the damage already done. Facing frontally the anthropogenic factors that have<br>triggered the crisis in Nigeria, for instance, will go a long way in stemming the byzantine effects already<br>generated. This paper has broadened the climate change discourse by conceptualizing the phenomenon,<br>identifying its effects on the global and domestic environments and mooted solutions to arrest the<br>menace. The paper concludes that until the anthropogenic factors that generate and sustain the climate<br>change menace are addressed, the present generation of Nigerians may not be adequately protected while<br>there may be nothing to preserve for the future generations. This paper explored data comparatively and<br>made some useful and achievable recommendations.<br>&nbsp;</p> OKEMDI C. NNUBIA Copyright (c) 2022 UNIZIK Law Journal https://journals.unizik.edu.ng/ulj/article/view/882 Mon, 10 Jan 2022 00:00:00 +0100 INTERROGATING THE ENFORCEMENT OF CREDIT SECURITY RIGHTS IN NIGERIA, GHANA AND KENYA https://journals.unizik.edu.ng/ulj/article/view/910 <p>The paper examined the enforcement of credit security rights in Nigeria, Ghana and Kenya.Enforcement<br>of various forms of credit security in any economy and especially in the three countries which form the<br>focus of this paper concern how quick and easy it is for a creditor to realise credit lent to a borrower. The<br>ability to recover loans advanced encourages further advances and positively affects the economy of<br>nations while the opposite is a sine qua non to economic stagnation and retardation. The motivation for<br>this paper is to underscore the importance of credit financing backed by adequate securities to the growth<br>of the nation's economy and the need for effective enforcement of provisions of enabling laws. The<br>paper adopting the doctrinal research methodology examined primary and secondary sources of law on<br>the subject matter and found amongst others that common credit security systems existed in the three<br>countries under scrutiny with relevant laws particular to each country. It was also found that secured<br>credit transactions as live wires of economic businesses thrive on the borrowing and lending of credit<br>which oil the wheels of a nation’s economic development thereby guaranteeing sustainable wealth for<br>persons, organizations and the nation at large. Furthermore, it was found that there were significant<br>differences between credit regimes of the three countries especially in the enforcement of credit security<br>rights. The paper therefore recommended amongst others, the harmonisation of all relevant laws on<br>credit financing and credit security in Nigeria and more particularly,the amendment of section 40(5) of<br>the Secured Transactions in Moveable Assets Act 2017 which provides for the use of the police in the<br>recovery of a collateral to be subject to the creditor first obtaining a court approval for involving the<br>police.<br><br></p> Grace Ogonda Akolokwu Copyright (c) 2022 UNIZIK Law Journal https://journals.unizik.edu.ng/ulj/article/view/910 Mon, 10 Jan 2022 00:00:00 +0100 ENVIRONMENTAL PROTECTION AND THE IMPERATIVE OF DOMESTICATING INTERNATIONAL TREATIES IN NIGERIA https://journals.unizik.edu.ng/ulj/article/view/885 <p>Prior to the dumping of about 8000 drums of radioactive waste by an Italian ship in a small town of<br>Koko, Delta State (former Bendel State) in 1988, Nigeria had no comprehensive law for protection of the<br>environment. The Koko incident woke up Nigeria from slumber into taking concrete steps in protecting<br>the environment by enacting the Harmful Waste (Special Criminal provisions) Act through the then<br>Decree 42 of 1988 and Federal Environmental Protection Agency (FEPA) 1988,now known as National<br>Environmental Standards and Regulations Enforcement Agency (NESREA) Act 2007, as both legal and<br>institutional framework for the protection and management of the environment. Despite the two<br>enactments, environmental pollution and degradation have continued unabated in Nigeria. This led this<br>article to critically examine the imperativeness of domestication of international treaties in driving the<br>environmental policy of Nigeria. The finding is that there are challenges militating against domestication<br>of environmental treaties in Nigeria such as the reluctance on the part of the executive arm of<br>government in ratifying treaties made on behalf of the country and non-participation of the National<br>Assembly in treaty making. The research methodology adopted by the researchers is purely doctrinal<br>with analytical and descriptive approaches in recommending the immediate ratification of all<br>environmental treaties by the executive arm of government and the amendment of Treaties (Making<br>Procedure Etc) Act, 2004 to make the participation of National Assembly in treaty-making process<br>compulsory. </p> Jude O Ezeanokwasa, EC Okika Copyright (c) 2022 UNIZIK Law Journal https://journals.unizik.edu.ng/ulj/article/view/885 Mon, 10 Jan 2022 00:00:00 +0100 AN APPRAISAL OF THE OFFENCE OF RAPE UNDER NIGERIAN LAWS https://journals.unizik.edu.ng/ulj/article/view/913 <p>This paper examines the offence of rape under Nigerian laws with the aim of determining the state of the<br>law on rape in order to identify the loopholes contained therein and make necessary recommendations.<br>The methodology adopted in the course of this research is the doctrinal methodology. The researcher<br>used both primary and secondary methods of data collection. Some of the findings of this work are: The<br>Nigerian Criminal Code and Penal Code are lacking in their provisions on the offence of rape such as its<br>provisions on who can commit rape, on whom rape can be committed, what objects and parts of the<br>body can be used to commit the office, marital rape and so on. However, the researcher found that the<br>Violence against Persons (Prohibition) Act of 2015 (VAPP Act) has gone a long way in covering up<br>these loopholes. Unfortunately, this VAPP Act still retains the archaic view on marital rape. Some of the<br>recommendations made in this paper are: amendment of the Criminal Code and Penal Code to reflect<br>modern developments being major criminal statutes in Nigeria, amending VAPP Act in respect of its<br>archaic provision on marital rape, adoption of the provisions of the Child Rights Act by states and<br>adoption of the provisions of the VAPP Act by states.<br><br></p> G. N. OKEKE, M. O. ILOBINSO Copyright (c) 2022 UNIZIK Law Journal https://journals.unizik.edu.ng/ulj/article/view/913 Mon, 10 Jan 2022 00:00:00 +0100