About the Journal

Contributors should comply with the following guidelines:
1. Papers must be original and well-researched, and must not have been previously published within or outside the country.
2. Contributors must provide an abstract of not more than 250 words.
3. Contributors must state title of paper, brief personal details, phone number (s), e-mail (if any), and postal address, on a separate page.
4. Citations should be exclusively on footnote and should adhere to the following format:
i. Book: Author’s initials followed by surname, title of the book in italics, the edition (if any), (place of publication, publisher, year of publication), page number. For example, O F Ogbuinya, Understanding the Concept of Jurisdiction in the Nigerian Legal System, (Enugu: Snaap Press Ltd, 2008) p 22.
 Chapter in Books: Author’s initials followed by surname, title of article in inverted commas, editor (s), title of the book in italics, the edition (if any), example, P Nnaemeka-Agu, “Ensuring Accountability and Good Governance through the Africa Charter on Human and People’s Rights” in C C Nweze and O Nwankwo (eds.), Current Themes in the Domestication of Human Rights Norms (Enugu: Fourth Dimension Publishing Co. Ltd., 2003) p 101.
 Subsequent References: For exactly the same reference as the previous, use ibid (without italics). For exactly the same reference as in the previous footnote, but from a different page, use ibid. Ibid p.22. For subsequent reference but not immediately succeeding the current one, use ‘Note’. This is symbolized by ‘(n…)’ in brackets; where the ‘n’ stands for ‘note’ (meaning ‘footnote’) while the remaining space is for the footnote number where the information cited first appeared. For instance, M.O. Izunwa, (n 3). For a subsequent citation of a case already cited in full, use ‘note’ instead of ‘supra’.
ii. Journals: Authors initials before surname, title of the article within single quotation mark, title of the journal in italics, year, volume number and page number. For example, M O Izunwa, ‘Basic Proposal for Judiciary’s Effectiveness in a Democracy: Nigeria as a Case Study’ UNIZIK Law Journal (2010) 7 (1) 327-339.
iii. Cases: Names of the cases (in full and in italics), the year reported: (in brackets), volume of the law reports, part (in brackets), page number. For example. Yusuf v Akindipe [2000] 8 NWLR (pt 1) 153.
iv. Statutes: Full name of the statute followed by the year of the enactment. For example Companies and Allied Matters Act (CAMA), 1990.
ISSN: 2736-0342 NAU.JCPL Vol. 11(2) 2024. v
v. Web Pages: Web address, date the material was accessed and time the web was visited. For example, <www.nigerianlawguru.com /articles /jurisprudence/ JUDICIAL %20ACTIVISMpdf > accessed 19 September 2023, 12.30pm.
5. Formatting: Type of Microsoft Word 2007 (or above) on A4 paper size, ‘1.5’ line spacing, 15-25 pages with corresponding automatic footnoting (not manual. Please), Times New Roman, font size’ 12’ on the body of the text, and ‘10’ at the footnotes.
6. Referral: All articles will be reviewed for accuracy and relevance. Nevertheless, contributors must do a thorough proof-reading of their work, before submission.
NB: Compliance to methodology, style and formatting is very strict. Any paper falling short of the prescribed standard may be disqualified. The editor and editorial board may make necessary changes and adjustment to manuscripts. However, authors retain copyright over their papers and are liable for its contents. The contents of a paper do not reflect the opinions or positions of the journal.
If an article is accepted for publication, the author may be required to pay handling charges.
Submit your manuscripts to:
The Editor-in-Chief
Journal of Commercial and Property Law (NAU.JCPL)
Department of Commercial and Industrial Law,
Nnamdi Azikiwe University,
P.M.B. 5025, Awka, Nigeria
[email protected]
The Head of Department
Department of Commercial and Industrial Law
Faculty of Law,
Nnamdi Azikiwe University,
P.M.B. 5025, Awka, Nigeria.
[email protected]