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Author Guidelines

 Please follow the instructions below when submitting yor manuscript. Feel free to contact us at [email protected] for any questions concerning the Journal.
Original research papers, technical repaorts, review articles and short communications/research notes in all aspects of Physics, Chemistry, Computer Science, Geology, Statistics, and Mathematics, can be submitted on the understanding that the work described has not been previously published or being considered for publication elsewhere, that its publication is approved by all authors and tacitly or explicitly by the responsible authorities where the work was carried out and that if accepted, it Will not be published elsewhere in the same form in English or any other language without the written consent of the Editor-in-Chief.

a. Typescript should be on one side of A4 paper, leaving a 2.5cm margin on all sides. The manuscript should, preferably, be composed in one column FORMAT using Microsoft Word in Arial font, 12-point size should be used for the text. Typing should be double spaced throughout the text, including tables, figures, legends, footnotes and references.

b. The first page should only contain the title, name(s) and institution address(es) of the author(s). If the present address of any author is different, it should be given as a footnote. Telephone, Fax number and e-mail address of the corresponding author should be provided as a footnote. A short running title of not more than 50 characters including spaces should also be given on this page.

C.Full paper should be arranged in the following sequence: Abstract, Keywords, Introduction, Materials and Methods, Results, Discussion, Conclusion, Acknowledgments, References, Tables and Figures. All headings and  subheadings should be typed in capital boldface with no punctuation mark and aligned left.

d. Names should be given in full the first time they are mentioned in the text (e.g. Spherical Harmonic Analysis.) but can be abbreviated at subsequent mention (e.g. SHA). Spelling should be in English, except in quotations and references. e. All the pages of the manuscripts, including the title page, should be numbered in Arabic numerals.

f. Information in tables should not be duplicated in figures, and vice versa.

g. Tables: Tables should be numbered in Arabic numerals in order of their mention in the text.

h. Figures: Line drawings should be submitted in duplicate and photographs should be in the form of glossy black and white prints. Color photographs can be included at author's expense. All graphs should have scale bars inside the graph. Figures should be numbered consecutively using Arabic numerals, in order of their mention in the text.

i. Equations: Equations and formulas should be numbered separately and sequentialy throughout the text. All variables and special svmbols. such as Greek letters, must DC clearly identified and explained, including units when appropriate.

j. Abstract: An abstract should be concise and preferably not more than 300 words, It should state clearly, the objectives, methodology, the principal observations and conclusion(s). It should be followed by three to five appropriate keywords.

k. Acknowledgements: Financial or other assistance should be acknowledged in this section rather than in the body of the text.

i. References: The list of references should include only works that are cited in the text. References should be numbered sequentially in the order they are first referred in the text. Reference number should be put in square brackets where referred to in the text, for example, [7]. References must be listed in numerical order at the end of the manuscript. Citations should be as follows: Author's name and forename initial, year of publication (in parentheses), Title of the manuscript, journal name (abbreviated), volume number, and page number.


Articles in periodicals
Okafor.C.O and Akpuaka M.U. (1993). New Synthesis of Pyrrolbenzothazine and Pyrrolobenzoxazine Ring System.J.Chem. Soc, Perkin Trans 1,159-162.
Okeke.F.N. (1998). The MagnetosphericSubstorm of 29 April 1997. Irish Astro .J. 26 (1) 23-28

Campbell, W.H., (1997). Introduction to geomagnetic fields, Cambridge University Press, New York, 304p.

Conference Proceedings
Rana, A.M., Qadeer, A. and Abbas, T. (1999).Crystallization induced phase changes in amorphous Fe84Nb7 B9 alloy, Proc. 6th Internat. Symp. Adv. Mater, Pakistan, pp. 151-154.

Chaudhry, M.A. (1984). Dielectric examination of linear alcohols", Report submitted to Chelsea College, London University, London.

Chapter in a book
Vanzandt, T.E. (1967). The neutral atmosphere and quiet ionosphere, In: S. Matsushita and W.H Campbell(eds) Physics of geomagnetic phenomenon. Academic Press, New York. 1509-559.

Dissertation or Thesis
Chukwude, A.E. (2002).A study of timing noise in radio pulsars. Ph.D. thesis, University of Nigeria, Nsukka.

Manuscripts for original research papers should not be more than 12 double spaced pages in length, 8 double spaced pages for technical reports, short communications/research notes should not be more than 4 double-spaced pages in length, including tables and figures, which should be kept to a minimum. Review papers should be concise (up to a maximum of twenty pages of the journal), critical and creative. They should seek to stimulate topical debate, and new research initiatives.

Duly completed manuscript should be submitted online through the submission system or sent to [email protected].

For urgent enquiries, or indeed any enquiries regarding manuscript preparation, submission and publication, please contact

Prof Chika Moore
Department of Mathematics
Nnamdi Azikiwe University
P.M.B 5025, Awka.

Emails: [email protected]

Managing Editor
Dr Izuchukwu I. Obiadi
Department of Geological Sciences
Nnamdi Azikiwe University
P.M.B 5025, Awka.

Emails:  [email protected]

Dr Ikechukwu E. Onyenwe
Department ofComputer Science
Nnamdi Azikiwe University
P.M.B 5025, Awka.

Email: [email protected]

Submission Preparation Checklist

All submissions must meet the following requirements.

  • The submission has not been previously published, nor is it before another journal for consideration (or an explanation has been provided in Comments to the Editor).
  • Where available, URLs for the references have been provided.
  • The text adheres to the stylistic and bibliographic requirements outlined in the Author Guidelines.
  • The submission file is in OpenOffice, Microsoft Word, PDF or latex document file format.
  • Papers should contain: * a title which should be concise, informative and set in bold type with initial capitals * Author(s) and affiliation(s) after the title * an Abstract of at most 300 words which should be a good summary of the main work * Keywords: a maximum of six words * Introduction * Materials and Methods * Results and Discussion * Conclusion * References set in APA style standard * Font size of 12 * Single line spacing and on A4 paper; and all illustrations, figures, and tables are placed within the text at the appropriate points, rather than at the end.

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The names and email addresses entered in this journal site will be used exclusively for the stated purposes of this journal and will not be made available for any other purpose or to any other party.