Intellectual Property and Content Distribution


  • Bankole Sodipo Babcock University, Nigeria
  • Chinwendu Uruakpa


Infringement, Intellectual Property, Film, Content Distribution, Protection, Trademark


The last three decades witnessed a flurry of activities in the film, television or audio-visual sector. Several disputes have arisen with various parties contending that ingredients constituting their content have been used without their authorisation. Some of these disputes have involved local and foreign persons with the latter being increasingly affected in the online era. Most of these ingredients are protectable under the rubric of law generally known as intellectual property (IP) law. Irrespective of the gaps in Nigeria’s IP laws, most content owners may find some solace under the law. Within the context of time and space, this paper highlights how some of the IP regimes in Nigeria relate to film content. It explains how some of the right holders can rely on and use IP in ensuring that their content is not produced, distributed or exploited without their consent. It offers a short x-ray of content distribution and the protection regime of IP rights in Nigeria.


Author Biographies

  • Bankole Sodipo, Babcock University, Nigeria

    Professor, Babcock University (Former Dean), former Visiting Scholar, Queen Mary University of London, Visiting Scholar, University of Cambridge, former Visiting Fellow, British Institute of International and Comparative Law, Partner, G.O. Sodipo & Co (Barristers, Solicitors & Arbitrators)[email protected]

  • Chinwendu Uruakpa

    Associate, G,O, Sodipo & Co, Co (Barristers, Solicitors & Arbitrators).


