About the Journal

JORIACE- is an academic and public access journal centering on inventions, innovations, and research in adult and continuing education which conveys educational policies and practices for the individual adults, community, and society in general. It is an annual research-based journal that publishes original papers, articles, and reports on empirical studies, spotlights on adult learners as well as submissions on literacy programs among other components of adult education and related areas across the globe.

Through this Journal, information and ideas considered to be creative, innovative, and apt in today's knowledge-driven world are selected and articulated to build a generation of educators that will be vibrant, skillful, and problem solvers in the theory and practice of adult education.

Not being unaware of the high expectations placed on us, the editorial board is resolved and committed to satisfying the yearnings and aspirations of the authors and readers as well as to ensuring that works published in this Journal meet both academic and professional standards. The editorial board equally and deeply appreciates all the contributors for their commitment and determination to publish well-researched articles in JORIACE.

At this juncture, the editorial board presents the Journal of Research in Adult and Continuing Education (JORIACE) to the reading public and wishes them a happy reading. We assure our readers of continuous quality improvement.

Prof. J.N. Ewelum

E-mail: [email protected]