Material management, Material required planning, Project completion, Project performanceAbstract
The study examined the assessment of material management on project performance of Deux Project Ltd. Previous researches have shown that materials account for more than fifty percent of the annual turnover in the construction firms. This shows clearly that priority should be given to Materials Management in construction firms in order to achieve significant cost saving, improvement in construction efficiency, and increase in profitability, reduces waste of materials and competitiveness. The aim of this research was to examine the assessment of material management on project performance of Deux Project Ltd. The study adopted a survey research design. The population of the study comprises the staff of Deux Project Ltd. The total population is sixty (60). The sample of the study comprises of the total population due to the population size. The study used a close-ended, well-structured questionnaire which was administered within the timeframe of three weeks. The study tested two hypotheses which were analysed using relevant descriptive and inferential statistics. The findings from the study revealed that material requirement planning account for majority of the improvement in project completion at agreed schedule in Deux Project Ltd. The findings also shows that the material requirement planning account for 30.6% of the improvement in automated purchasing process in Deux Project Ltd. Based on the empirical results, the study concludes that through efficient management of materials, an organisation can achieve significant completion of project at agreed schedule in construction firms, improvement in automated purchasing process, and improved the meeting of emergent demand. It is, therefore, recommended that materials management department should be established to effectively shoulder the responsibilities of sending or organising training programmes for materials management personnel as well as performing research and development in materials management.