Biogas generation: a viable cleaner alternative energy source in south-eastern region of Nigeria
The problem of over-dependence on the nonrenewable and fast-depleting fossil fuels is one the world of science needs not wink at any longer. In Nigeria, the level of dependence on these fossil fuels has created a great disparity in the sourcing, harnessing, exploration and exploitation of these natural endowments vis-à-vis other energy sources. Virtually all other sources of energy are neglected, untapped, unutilized and/or underutilized. This research work was necessitated by the burden to create awareness on the quantity of energy lost as occasioned by this insensitive attitude of the society to these other forms of energy and the possible implications to the environment and economy. Diversification of our energy consumption is a potent panacea to the usual power shortages and high cost of energy in Nigeria. The research findings show that about 20.52% of domestic energy requirements of South-eastern region of Nigeria could be met through proper harnessing of biomass (biodegradable materials) for the production of biogas.