Modeling of creep in raffia plant fibre reinforced plastics
Larson-Miller, Sherby-Dorn and Manson-Hefered had used parametric methods to analyze creep in metals. This study used experimental and numerical methods with parametric method as mixed method. Multiple linear regression and the general Power law equations were employed to model the Raffia fibre composites creep limit responses. The creep limit estimated with numerical methods correlated with the experimental data and results of parametric methods, so that multiple linear regression model and power law model are good fits for creep limit of Raffia fibre composites working within temperature ranges of 30 oC to100oC.The values 0.0062, 0.96926 and 0.9845 evaluated for standard error, coefficient of determination and correlation coefficient respectively support the conclusion that multiple linear regression model represents an excellent fit of creep function of raffia fibre composites. This paper therefore successfully presented two numerical models and parametric charts for raffia fibre reinforced plastic composites creep limit design.