The effects of modification of the structure of iron and silicon on the mechanical properties of Al - 12% Si alloy
The modification effects of the structure of iron by manganese, cobalt and molebdenumn and silicon by sodium have been studied in Al - 12% Si alloy. The mechanical properties used to assess the effects of the structural modification were ultimate tensile strength, relative elongation and hardness. Chemical and micro-structural analyses were also conducted. Standard mechanical testing equipment were used for determining the mechanical properties, while chemical analysis was conducted by the wet analytical technique. Micro-structural analysis was done using the metallurgical microscope. Results obtained from the study showed a correlation between iron removal, structure of silicon and the mechanical properties of the studied alloys. The results of chemical analysis and micrography confirmed the modifying effects of sodium and silicon and the consequent enhancement of the mechanical properties of AI-12% Si alloy. The ratios of iron to the correcting elements at which the optimal values of UTS were obtained was also established for the studied elements.