Intellectual Property (IP) Creation Model for Corporate Bodies using the Dynamic Expert System (DES) Approach
Intellectual Property, Creation Model, Corporate Bodies, Dynamic Expert SystemAbstract
In this Intellectual Property (IP) Creation Model using Dynamic Expert System (DES) Approach, experienced staff among the
workforce constitute the domain experts, the researcher functions as knowledge engineer, who elicits knowledge from the domain
experts. The elicited knowledge is further validated by the workforce peers namely the principal engineer and the director. The
validated knowledge is then codified and stored in the DES knowledge repository by the knowledge engineer. By repeating this
process every quarter of the year, the elicited knowledge is modified as appropriate and made to be continuously up to date. The
IP Creation Model using DES was subjected to Monte Carlos simulation to see how it would fare for the next five years (20
quarters). When a new IP is elicited and validated, it is rated by the workforce peers as either grade 1 or grade 2 or grade 3
according to its quality. A remuneration package for new IP creation was crafted by the researcher such that the remuneration
paid to the workforce is always less than the contribution of the new IP to the company’s bottom line. This enables the company
to acquire new IP at a reduced cost than its market worth. The model of IP growth over the years (X) was found to be new IP =
90.40x + 8.20 with coefficient of determination of 98.94%, meaning that the model can be used for forecasting new IP. Over the
5years of simulation, a total of 218 new IPs were discovered causing the company a remuneration package of N1, 010,364.5.
However, the expert valuation of those new IP gave their market worth to be N 4,440,929. This means that the company produce
the new IPs cheaper than their market price by as much as N 3,430,564.5 within the 5years of simulation. The software used for
the Dynamic Expert System (DES) inference Engine is written in Java Programming Language.