Location Distribution of Rural Medical Services for Effective Development: A case of Ekiti State, Nigeria


  • Omotoso, Oluwatuyi Department of Geography and Planning Science, Faculty of the Social Sciences University of Ado-Ekiti, Nigeria.


medical services, location distribution, effective development, Nigeria


No economy can be properly regarded as sound when the generality of the
people are poor in health. The better the state of health of a country, the better able, it is, to
mobilize, develop and utilize the minds, energies, and resources of the people for the task
of development. It is very unfortunate that the location of medical facilities in Ekiti State
are unevenly located and no wonder, the health of its rural populace are subjected to high
incidence of morbidity and mortality resulting from the prevalence of preventable and
infectious diseases. This work considers whether or not medical facilities in Ekiti State are
evenly and efficiently distributed. Data for this study were collected from primary sources.
A total of 1500 questionnaires were administered in this research and 1257 copies were
retrieved from the field. Results from the study show that medical facilities in the state were
unevenly located, hence hampering health development at the grassroots. The study
suggests provision and location of more and equipped medical facilities to the rural area of
the state to enhance sustainability development especially, in the medical sector.


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How to Cite

Omotoso, Oluwatuyi. (2010). Location Distribution of Rural Medical Services for Effective Development: A case of Ekiti State, Nigeria . JOURNAL OF INNOVATIVE RESEARCH IN MANAGEMENT AND HUMANITIES, 1(1), 26–32. Retrieved from https://journals.unizik.edu.ng/joirmah/article/view/3011