Path Analysis of Student-Related Factors Affecting Academic Achievement in Chemistry among College of Education Students in Delta State
Path-analysis, chemistry achievement, student-related factor, college of educationAbstract
The study focused on the path analysis of student-related factors affecting academic achievement in chemistry among college of education students in Delta state. One research question and one hypothesis guided the study. The design adopted for the study was correlation survey with path-analytic research background. The population of the study was 1, 274 chemistry education students in Colleges of Education in Delta state. A sample of 200 SS 2 chemistry education students was involved in the study. The instruments for data collection were Chemistry Test Anxiety Questionnaire (CTAQ), Academic Motivation Scale (AMS), Chemistry Self-Efficacy Scale (SES), Study Habit Scale (SHS), Chemistry Attitude Scale (CAS), Academic Resilience Scale (ARS), Chemistry Interest Scale (CIS), Emotional Intelligence Questionnaire (EIQ), Self-regulated Learning Skills Questionnaire (CSRLSQ), Self-esteem Scale (SES). The instruments were validated by experts in relevant fields. The reliability of the instruments were established using Cronbach Alpha. The data obtained were analyzed using multiple regression analysis, multiple correlations, path analysis and analysis of moment structures. The findings of the study revealed that the joint predict of the 10 variables of achievement in chemistry was significant. The study also found out that the most meaningful path model for predicting achievement in chemistry involved the elimination of attitude and emotional intelligence after trimming the just-identified model. The study recommended that diagnostic analysis of student-related variables should be carried out at the point of admission and as the student progress academically by student affair departments in colleges of education in order to find out the areas the student may need orientation, guidance or counseling.