Current Issue
Nnamdi Azikiwe University Journal of Customary and Religious Law (NAUJOCARL) is a
scholarly, peer-reviewed (fully refereed), open access, online/print annual journal dedicated to issues of customary law and religious law whether in the municipal or international sphere. Such issues extend, but not limited, to legal and institutional regimes as well as jurisprudential issues in Customary law, Sharia law, and Canon law. It inquires into the relationship between customary law and statutory law, customary law and international law, and the different religious legal systems. It further discusses issues of freedom of religion, religion and law, secularity of the State, religion and State relationship, and equality of religions. The Journal offers a forum for legal
scholars and jurists to present research findings for effective social engineering and sustainable development. Well researched and original papers on topical matters in the above areas are welcome.