About the Journal
Journal of Current Biomedical Research (JCBR), a peer-reviewed, open access biomedical journal which published every two months with a total of 6 issues in a year. it provides both African and international biomedical researches with an open forum to disseminate important new information about biomedical research. JBR covers the developments in multidisciplinary areas of biology and biomedicine. The journal encourages the submission of research letters, presenting preliminary research that stimulates further investigation of potentially relevant findings as well as studies with negative findings. CBR publishes original research articles, review articles and case reports, and letter to the Editor also accepted. Manuscripts with original ideas and/or approaches that bridge different fields are considered with priority.
All manuscripts are peer reviewed by at least 2 independent researchers for relevance, technical accuracy, methodological rigor, clarity, and objectivity using a double-blind review process. A double-blind peer review process means that neither the author nor the reviewers are aware of each other's identity. After a technical check by the Managing Editor, new submissions are sent to the Editor-in-Chief to select the appropriate Handling Editor. The Handling Editor manages the peer review process, which includes identifying at least 2 independent researchers, who may include a member or members of the Editorial Board. Upon receipt of the reviews, the Handling Editor makes a decision to accept, reject, or request revision. The decision is passed to the Editor-in-Chief, who evaluates the decision and sends notification to the author.
NB: This journal is indexed with Google scholar. We are working to index it with other major databases.
This work is marked with CC0 1.0 Universal
This is an open access journal which means that all content is freely available without charge to the user or his/her institution.